Episode 63: How Manufacturing Can Engage with their Supply Chain to Hit their Sustainability Targets


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In this episode of the Industrial Innovation Podcast, host Daniel Phillips speaks with Denise Lana Molina, Global Head of Sustainability at Marelli

Denise explains how manufacturing can benefit from SC processes to hit their own targets.

00:00 - Introduction to the Industrial Innovation Podcast

01:09 - Denise's journey in sustainability

02:20 - The challenges of manufacturing sustainability

04:27 - The importance of supply chain engagement

07:00 - Case studies of sustainability in action (IKEA, Walmart, Natura)

10:04 - Marelli’s innovative sustainability project

13:11- Governance and compliance in sustainability

16:37 - Organizational structure and sustainability

22:07 - The need for functional convergence in organizations

24:28 - Denise's parting advice on sustainability practices


Daniel Phillips